To see every church as a place of refuge for hurting families.
87,000 abortions happen each year in Australia.
Data from America indicates that 40% of abortions that take place each year are women who attended church in the month of her abortion.
Hypothetically if we reduce this to 1 quarter (10%) of the American abortions that happen amongst women who attended church, this would mean that 8,700 women who attended church in Australia had an abortion in the month they attended church.
*We do not have actual data here in Australia
on abortions for those attending church.
The church becomes the place people come running to - not running from.
Our Mission
House of Refuge
A national network of churches and life-affirming ministries working together
in unity, to share the hope of the Gospel and extending the support of the church to
our neighbors who are in need of refuge from their life circumstances.
We Desire to:
1. Stop abortions from taking place among those who are attending our churches.
2. Help those who have had an abortion to find healing rather than suffer in silence.
3. Position the church for hurting families to run to them, instead of the abortion clinic.
We Provide
1 / House of Refuge Statement
A statement that is read twice a year to the congregation.
2 / Resources and Connections
Our team provide access to resources and programs to assist and equip churches.
3 / House of Refuge Coordinator
Our national coordinators will help prepare churches to be a house of refuge. They will support and equip church representatives.
House of Refuge Statement
" [YOUR CHURCHʼS NAME] Church is a House of Refuge. A place of refuge and safety for anyone dealing with an unplanned/crisis pregnancy. Whether you are a member of this church, a visitor, or it's someone you know, we are here to help.
If you find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy, please know that being pregnant is not a sin and the child you carry is not a punishment, this child is a blessing. God is creating this child in your womb. Whatever the circumstances that led to this pregnancy, we want you to know that you are loved and we will do whatever it takes to help you carry and care for this precious child before and after birth.
We will never encourage a woman to have an abortion, because the child you carry is made in the image of God and is intrinsically valuable and loved by Him. You need to know how we will respond.
Please know that this church family will never gossip about you, shame you, or abandon you. This is a House of Refuge, and we will not allow for the family of God to harm one another with words or actions contrary to the Love of God as revealed in his Word.
Please know that we will do everything in our power to remove whatever obstacles that stand in the way of you having this child. There are people in this church ready to support and mentor you, connect you with resources inside and outside of our church. We will also encourage men to become great fathers who protect women and children.
Finally, we know that there may be women and men here who were at a stage in their lives when they needed a House of Refuge. You may now live with regret, maybe shame or heartache, over a choice you made to terminate your pregnancy. You are not alone. There is refuge available for you as well. We can confidentially direct you to individuals who understand and can walk alongside you as you heal by either speaking with us or directly contacting Pregnancy Help Australia. https://pregnancyhelpaustralia.org.au/
1300 139 313"